Arthaus 32

Fine Art & Fine Spirits

Who we are

Here at Arthaus 32, we embrace the creative process in all its forms.

We believe that art should speak for itself, and furthermore, that the creative process manifests itself in many forms. Some use paint and canvas, others a camera, or perhaps a hammer and chisel. But our view is that art is in equal evidence through the enjoyment of a memorable meal, fine wine, or well-crafted spirit. For us, art is a product of human creativity, something that positively stimulates the senses in an unexpected fashion.

Fine Art & Fine Spirits

What we offer

The Art in our Gallery

At Arthaus 32, we exhibit from across the spectrum of artistic endeavor – everything from original paintings, photographs and sculptures to artisanal spirits. Our criteria in selecting which art to showcase is simple: the passion and dedication inherent in its creation must be able to be seen, felt or tasted.

Visual Art


We have selected gins from distillers whose focus lies, first and foremost, on the harmony rather than the number of ingredients in their repertory. As a result, the aroma and taste of each ingredient can be distinguished, while still remaining in harmony with the others.

Oftentimes less is more. More notes do not necessarily make better music.

We invite you to come and taste this difference for yourself. (Tasting)


We offer themed tastings curated to introduce your noses and taste buds to spirits that you may not have encountered before.

28.04.18 19:00

Fine Gins

We have selected gins from distillers whose focus lies, first and foremost, on the harmony rather than the number of ingredients in their repertory. As a result, the aroma and taste of each ingredient can be distinguished, while still remaining in harmony with the others.

Oftentimes less is more. More notes do not necessarily make for better music.

We invite you to come and taste this difference for yourself.

For this tasting, we have selected six outstanding gins. These finely-balanced gins will re-define your perception of what many until now may have thought of as gin. While over the years we all tend to invest in a good bottle of cognac or whiskey to enjoy neat, until recently, we would never have considered drinking gin with no mixer. As lifelong connoisseurs of fine spirits, we feel that enjoying the unadulterated taste of pure gin does indeed open a door to a new universe. We hope that this tasting will prove as life-changing for you.

Please send your reservation request and the date of the tasting you would like to attend to The suggested donation is 25 Euros and seating is limited to 12 participants. Reservations are accepted on a first come first served basis. We look forward to seeing you at the tasting. If you would like to schedule a private tasting on another date, and you have at least 5 people in your group, we can accomodate you. Just send us an e-mail with the date and time you have in mind to


Arthaus 32

Adress: Käthe-Niederkirchner-Straße 32

Store:Tue-Fr 13:00-19:00 Sat 11:00-15:00

Closed Sunday and Monday